Sunday, July 26, 2020

Blogs, Books, BusinessesOh, My!

Blogs, Books, Businessesâ€"Oh, My! Considering writing a book, creating a blog, or starting your own small business? More than likely the answer is yes. We’ve have the good fortune of meeting thousands of people since starting The Minimalists,  and hearing their numerous stories of transitionâ€"folks plunging into new businesses, books, and blogs. Often times, though, when it comes to creating something new and meaningful, folks get tangled in the details, uncertain where to turn for guidanceâ€"they give up before their feet are off the ground. Fear not, ambitious reader: we have three comprehensive resources that’ll help you turn your ideaâ€"blog-, book-, or business-relatedâ€"into reality… Creating a Blog: If you’ve considered starting a blog, now’s a great timeâ€"it’s easier than ever. We were clueless a few years ago when we started The Minimalists,  but we gradually discovered the essentials to forge a successful blog. We show you how we did it with our step-by-step written instructions and accompanying video: How to Start a Successful Blog Today. Writing and Publishing a Book: If you’re one of those people who has a book inside them itching to get out, we’ll help scratch that book out of you and get it in front of readers: in our free six-part series on Asymmetrical Press, we show you how to write and publish an indie book. Note: check out Joshua’s writing class if you’re interested in learning how to write better. Starting a Small Business: Want to earn additional income? Hope to transition from the corporate world to self-employment? Want to do meaningful work rather than just earning a paycheck? Our good friend, Courtney Carver, gives guidance in How to Create a Microbusiness That Matters. Today is a great day to start: you have the idea, and you should never leave the scene of a good idea without taking action. Subscribe to The Minimalists via email.